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Tag Archives: Pharmacy Services


Medication Management Tips for Your Family

Proper medication management is crucial for families. It ensures your loved one’s optimal health despite a busy day-to-day schedule. Administering medication management can be done in simple steps. Check out how below. Start with Proper Education E...

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Learning the Best Way to Do First Aid on Wounds

Cuts and injuries at home can be difficult, especially if you don’t live near a hospital. As a result, understanding basic first aid and wound care are critical. This will aid in the saving of lives and the prevention of additional infection or...

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Important Questions to Ask Your Pharmacist

A trip to a local pharmacy in Manitoba can involve more than just picking up medicines. It can actually be a crucial and convenient moment to ask your pharmacist vital health-related questions. Vermillion Pharmacy encourages customers to see their ph...

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Simple Medication Reminders You Can Easily Follow

Forgetting medications can sometimes happen, especially if you take several prescriptions at once. Whether it’s a pill or two in a day, missing a dose of your daily medicine might not seem like a big deal, but it can have serious consequences on yo...

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How Medical Reconciliation Works

One of the key pharmaceutical services provided by the top pharmacies in Manitoba is medication reconciliation after discharge. When a patient gets discharged from a medical facility, there are three clarifications that must be made regarding their m...

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How the COVID-19 Vaccine Protects You and Your Community

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our lives in so many ways. That is why fighting this virus requires the action of each one of us. The primary way that we can contribute to ending this pandemic is through COVID-19 vaccination. Here’s how vaccinat...

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